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International Japanese “MOTTAINAI”


Our company is tackling earth environment protection.

Since environment and economy harmonize in Hokkaido on the north in Japan, the measure as a company is taken.

In the measure, concern is high to the earth environment in the world. The cooperation with many people and a company reached the conclusion of being important..

Our company can alternate by being English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, and Korean besides Japanese now.

However, originally, a foreign language was not its favorite, but since a foreign language is under study in order to notice the cooperative relation of earth environment protection, language may be wrong or a word and grammar may be wrong.

I apologize to the mistake in language.

The thing which we want to send internationally is the next.

When economy did by environment what as a company, while applying a trial-and-error method to the ability of harmony to be maintained, the solution was discovered to the view included in the word Japanese "MOTTAINAI."

The company and person who are interested in "MOTTAINAI" need to give me mail of my company.

And we need to cooperate.

Thank you.

■日本語お問い合せ  (Japanese)   

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